05 Aug

In this blog we should tell you that economics is a topic that is something else to say and its importance is very great. In general, economics is a topic that defines the things used in our daily lives. For example, money transactions, demand and supply of goods are on the market and the country's economy, etc. Part of the economy. And these will explain in detail how economic homework is done under the branches of the economy.

What is economics?

Since we all know that we have many desires that never end, but the means to meet them are less, then we make money to meet our needs and to make more money, all of us also in economics Working.

Economics is the writing in which human actions are studied, which they do in order to obtain limited resources, i.e. to be used to finance the activities of human beings. money to meet their unlimited needs. Therefore, this wealth has been labeled as all that has utility and what meets our needs, satisfies us, satisfies our desires and gives us happiness will be called wealth. In economics, money is called not only money, but everything that is said, such as clothes, houses, food, everything is money.

Branches with financial coverage during economic homework

Classic economy

Classical economics was started in 1776 by Adam Smith. Adam Smith is also known as the Father of Economics. In 1776, Adam Smith published a book called the Wealth of the Nation. After this book was published, new economic rules were created, all of which began to follow.

When people started to take an interest in classical economics, everyone used their ideas on how to develop economics. First of all, Adam Smith gave a word invisible hand, which meant that nothing on the market required the government to decide. If we create a market, people can know for themselves how much employment is needed, how much demand and supply is required and how much price they should keep. In this way, Adam Smith told me that the absolute cost advantage theory, where he told the export imports, but does what you benefit from. And one thing is mentioned in the division of labour, which means that every worker must have an ability to work. So some of these topics were described in classical economics, which is one of branches of economics that help cover economic homework.

Neo-classical economy

Neo-classical economics, also called Marginal Revolution, that lasted from 1870 to 1920. The term marginal is used in mathematics. Now you can guess from this that it connects economics with math.

Marginal Revolution covers all things such as marginal utility, demand and supply, consumption, equilibrium, etc. If we read it, our economic homework may prove to be a great help to the student.

Keynesian economy

Our next financial department is one that you can cover by reading your financial homework called Keynes's Theory. This Keynes' theory came out in 1920 by John Maynard Keynes.

Keynes' theory has been linked to macroeconomics because the amount of speech it takes will only happen on a large scale. In this we will not talk about an individual, it will only talk about market or population or governance. It has described such subjects as a general theory of employment, the theory of money and price, etc. By reading this we can complete our economic homework well.

Monetarism economics

Monetarism economics was started by Milton Friedman. This is also a kind of economy where only discussions about money. Monetarism economics is also part of the macro-economy, because it is money in it, and money is also discussed in a big way as the role of the government's control.

These economies had to be extracted separately because it is said to take money supply and how it can control the money supply so that the market is stable. This is linked to the financial money that students like to read and from which they can also cover their economic homework.


Micro, which means small or individual, so we know that we will now not do this thing for the whole economy. In microeconomics we are talking about small levels as the income of an individual or the economic behavior of a person, that's microeconomy.

The economic behaviour of a single person in microeconomy means that talking about certain things such as consumption, income, demand and supply, investment, etc. Of this person is part of the microeconomy. By doing this, we provide all information about a single person or person. In microeconomics, we discuss a single person and a specific place that is connected to our economy. It is also one of the main economic branches that helps students do their financial homework.


Macro, which means talking about big and very people. In macroeconomics we speak at the whole level, not a specific place. We will be talking about total wages such as total demand and supply, national income, government policies, etc. In macroeconomics. In macroeconomics, we are not talking about the economic behaviour of a single person, but rather studying the economic behaviour of all people.

When we study a country's economic behavior of them, studying their national income GDP, all this is called macroeconomics. If we talk about the whole world and try to understand what kind of economic conditions are going on throughout the world, this type of study is carried out under macroeconomics.


In this blog we have explained in detail about branches of economics coverage during economic homework. For students who did not know about many branches to complete the economic homework, we have described in detail in this blog that with the help of students they can complete their financial homework in a good way.

We hope that you will get all the help described under the financial homework provided above. However, if there is still any regret for economic assignment and financial homework, you can take the help of our experts at very low prices.branches of economics coverage during economic homework

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